Generate comma separated dates for last seven days:
Considering current date is 2016-04-08, DATE variable value will be as follows:
We can use different date formats on a case to case basis. This thing comes in handy when we have to feed a date range to some reporting tool.
Generate comma separated dates for last month and from today to start of the day:
# Fetch the date 7 days ago
DATE=$(date -d '7 day ago' '+%Y-%m-%d');
# Generate comma-separated string for last 7 days
for i in {6..1}; do DATE=$DATE","$(date -d "$i day ago" '+%Y-%m-%d'); done
DATE=$(date -d '7 day ago' '+%Y-%m-%d');
# Generate comma-separated string for last 7 days
for i in {6..1}; do DATE=$DATE","$(date -d "$i day ago" '+%Y-%m-%d'); done
We can use different date formats on a case to case basis. This thing comes in handy when we have to feed a date range to some reporting tool.
Generate comma separated dates for last month and from today to start of the day:
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