Thursday, 3 May 2018

Shell Scripting Examples

Generate comma separated dates for last seven days:

# Fetch the date 7 days ago
DATE=$(date -d '7 day ago' '+%Y-%m-%d');

# Generate comma-separated string for last 7 days
for i in {6..1}; do DATE=$DATE","$(date -d "$i day ago" '+%Y-%m-%d'); done

Considering current date is 2016-04-08, DATE variable value will be as follows:


We can use different date formats on a case to case basis. This thing comes in handy when we have to feed a date range to some reporting tool.

Generate comma separated dates for last month and from today to start of the day:

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Java - SQL Parsing

Recently I had a use case where I have to validate a SQL query. Basically I had to look at the JOINS and WHERE clauses in the query.

I thought that why to parse a SQL on my own and extract table names and where clauses from the query. Why to reinvent the wheel and write your own logic when you can re-use existing open source libraries. Keeping that in mind I started searching for a simple open source library to serve the purpose.

Surprisingly I found only a few and those were not serving the purpose then I found Apache-Calcite( Apache-Calcite is a huge project and SQL parsing is just one part of it.

I didn't find a good example though using its SQL parser and had to dig in a bit to get a working example. Following is a working example:

So this is just about extracting table names and where clauses. This SQL parser can do definitely more and can be used to extract other parts of the query as well. Of course you can dig in the java docs and API to cater your requirements. Happy Learning !!!